
Hello Interweb!

Hello everyone, as previously mentioned by esteemed colleague, I go my the name Mr. Quin or Harley Quin. I chose the name from a series of Agatha Christie stories featuring a man of that name. I am classmates with Mary Ann.
I am a musician (piano, clarinet, guitar) and currently enroll in music theory classes at a local college. I plan on being a musicologist, or a concert performer.
As far as music tastes go, I prefer music that is not mainstream. That does not mean I hate all mainstream music, I just don't enjoy most of it. My favorite artists are:

  • Chris Botti (Jazz trumpet player, played one of my favorite versions of My Funny Valentine)
  • Gomez (British Rock group, saw them live, great show, cute singers, this is one of my favorite songs by them)
  • Wolf Parade (personally, they had the best cd of 2005, Apologies to the Queen Mary, this a song from that c.d. )
  • Laura Veirs and The Saltbreakers (a geologist rocker, what do yah know? Solid vocals and great lyrics. The only thing is that I wish they wouldn't have so many mellow songs. This is from their c.d. "Saltbreakers")
  • Limbeck ( country-style-rock, they're fun to listen to if you're in "Lets Just Dance" mood. This is a great song by them )
I like to think I have a wide range of musical taste. I enjoy everything from punk and metal to jazz and opera. So if you want to fallow this blog, expect to get an entire spectrum of the music world.
On a side note, if you do email us, please put who you are adressing in the subject. Thanks again!

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